Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Ten facts about Djohana

(in no order at all)...for nosy people that i know or for those who doesn't know me at all but wants to read anyway..

1-I was married before but got Ex husband and I were very good partners before a crisis fell on us and crumbled the marriage.if it weren't for the 3rd party issue (on his side)I would say there was a big chance that we still have made it.its been six years and I have moved on wonderfully.

2-I smoked during college,its inevitable,everyone in the house where I was staying during school days smoked,no excuses why I did it,lets just say that I was still young then.

3-I do not eat pork,that choice has nothing to do with any religious or blah beliefs..I just don't like the taste.

4-I never really started drinking heavily til 2006,is that sad?not really.i never really saw myself as a drinker only very hard situations and major hullabaloos can make me get drunk,tell bad jokes and stories or sing karaoke =)

5-I really am a snob, I have to be honest right?not that I choose whom to talk to,its only that I have mood swings(hello was born February).if I choose to be quiet or not do anything that I don't feel like doing at the moment don't sweat it because you can't make me!

6-I'm terrible in math,that's no secret,my kuya stressed himself to death teaching me algebra(nosebleed alert)later on he suffered similar stress attacks teaching me how to drive hahaha!(he afterwards decided to just enroll me in driving school,I guess he cannot take it anymore)

7-I'm the Sandwich Goddess,I make very good sandwiches!everybody who have tasted it(especially those guys at the office)loved it!!!

8-I studied Fashion design,i may be rusty doing drawings but all i need is practice,practice,practice to get me mojo back.

9-I have asthma and worst case of seasonal allergies.25% of days of the year i'd be suffering from asthma or any other form of upper respiratory infections.hmm im actually considering having flu shots.

10-I love everything about chocolates,It makes the world go round!oh and i also love cakes,ice cream and all those sinful dessert there is around =)

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