I'm not really into
Jamie Oliver but I find him "okay" in a way that I know he knows what he's talking about .Well
Gordon Ramsay is older so it would really be unfair comparing Jamie to him.Besides Gordon is worth 67M pounds compared to Jamie's 25M.
Anyway, if you ask me who is my most hated Food authority is, it's restaurant critic
Nigella Lawson of the freaking Nigella Feast &
Nigella Express.Well her shows are highly rated , so what?! She was crowned as the "queen of food porn"(ugh!)I don't know, I just find her so "landi"(flirtatious) that it
makes me roll my eyes when I watch her.But FYI her cookware stuff alone makes 7M pounds/year on sales.Do you think I'm just envious with all the money that she have? Nah,I don't think so..