“There are some people who live in a dream world, and there are some who face REALITY; and then there are those who turn one into the other.” --Douglas H. Everett
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
EX TALK : -(courtesy of vK)
> 10 years
Shortest relationship:
> 1 month
How many people have you broken up with?
> 3? cant really remember
How many times have you truly been in love?
> 3?lol memory gap (what’s with all the 3’s?)
How many boyfriends/girlfriends have told you
they love you?
> all of ‘em
Have you ever thought that you were going to
marry the person you were with?
> we always thought it would end that way right?
Have you ever loved someone so much that it
> ouch!
Have you ever made a boyfriend or girlfriend cry?:
> I think yes..
Have you ever cried over a boyfriend or
> wah! the pain , the agony…
Are you happy being single or in relationships?:
> single by faith I can live with it , having someone who cares isn’t bad at all..
Have you ever cheated on a boyfriend
or girlfriend?
> no , I’m too loyal.
Have you ever been cheated on?
> yes
What is the most important PART of being in a
> the sharing , the loving…
What is the worst part of being in a relationship?
> lies, if there’s any
Worst relationship?
> the last last one
Have you ever had your heart broken?
> yes , into million pieces
Do you talk to any of your exes?
> used to , not anymore
If you could go back in time and change things to
where you could still be with one of your exes,
would you?:
> nope ,that I do not wish to do.
Do you think any of your exes feel the same way?
> I know they want me back (all of 'em!)
What is your ideal boyfriend or girlfriend?
> there is no such thing
Do you believe that you are a good boyfriend or
> I was and still is
Have you dated people who were not good to
> err no
Have you been in an abusive relationship?:
> not really abusive but it was painful
Name your most memorable ex if you have had 1:
> all of them remains in my memory
Have you dated someone older than you?:
> err ata , cant really remember
What are two things that all of your exes had in common:
> tall , tall
When is the last time that you were in a serious
> I’m in a serious relationship right now
Do you believe everyone deserves a second
> well , depends.
Believe in love at first sight?
> I really don’t know
Ever dated two people at once?:
> well I had a lunch date and a dinner date same day with 2 different guys
Do you want to get married?:
> y not?
Do you have something to say to any of your
> you cant have me back , hah!
Ever stolen someone’s boyfriend or girlfriend?
> that is just so not me
Do you believe in true love?
> I guess so
Does heartbreak really feel as bad as it sounds?
> one word : Damnation!
Friday, October 27, 2006
Gina – hi gurl! my first buddy up and my buddy all the way! The “bangko sentral ng WG” and Tony and I hate her for being too nice. But we love her anyway!
Tony- We started as good friends (kasama sa pagtakas pag may lakad nyhahaha!) Then we had a “tampuhan” over something and after talking about it we we can say we that made it through the rain, hahaha!
Paul p. -the “monster” as we call him (not because he looks like a monster! hi Paul!) But because he is really good on what he does. Too bad he already resigned from the company and so I will just forever miss him.
Angelo –Only one thing about this ex-rock band vocalist Hahaha!. If you want a drinking buddy Angelo is always free (ngarag na kung ngarag!)
I really miss you guys!!!
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
California Pizza Kitchen
many times already
02. do you believe in love:
at times yes at times
no. go figure.
03. why did your last relationship fail:
Third party on his side ..
04. have you ever been heartbroken:
yes before and yes again just recently .
05. have you ever broken someone's heart:
yes, about 4x
06. have you ever fallen for your best friend:
nope , I’m not the type who would cross that line
07. have you ever loved someone but never told
crush lang , too shy you know..
08. are you afraid of commitment:
nope , im into it..
09. have you ever had a secret admirer:
10. do you believe in love at first sight:
Don’t know,
ill wait for it to hit me then I’d tell you.

There's a time and place for everything
There's a reason why certain people meet
There's a destination for everyone
What's the explanation when were done.
All the summer nights spent wondering
So many questions asked
But no one's answering
Would it be okay if I left today
Took my chances on what you said was wrong.
I'm jaded, stupid and reckless not sorry
When I'll never regret these years spent
So faded and reckless not sorry
And I'll never regret these years
I'll never regret these years.
Now here I sit so far away
Remembering all our memories
Well it's times like these when I miss you most
Remembering when we were so close.
I'll never forget the places we've been you and I
Our lives are slipping away, don't want to let time pass us by
01. Love or money: love then MONEY has to follow
immediately (Hah!)
02. Hard liquor or beer: nothing, I don’t take
alcoholic drinks
04. One night stands or relationships: definitely
05. Television or internet: INTERNET! Don’t argue
06. Pepsi or coke: coke and it has to be light
07. Wild night out or romantic night in:
08. colored or black and white pictures: prefer both..
09. Phone or in person: definitely in person
10. Friendster or myspace: ain't it obvious yet?
01. Have you ever been caught sneaking out:
hahahaha YES.
02. Have you ever skinny dipped: no
03. Have you ever done something you regret: many
but I have lived to accept it and think of it as a
lesson...as if I have a choice
04. Have you ever bungee jumped: nah, wanted to try
it though
05. Have you ever been on a house boat: yup, t’was fun
06. Have you ever finished an entire jaw breaker:
Nah... haven't tried it actually
07. Have you ever wanted someone so badly it hurt:
10. Have you ever been caught by your parents
doing it? Nah, not my style to do it where/when
there is danger of being discovered
01. Are you missing someone right now: I always do
miss someone
02. Are you happy: Nope
03. are you talking to anyone right now: nope , im
home alone..
04. Are you bored: a bit. Yes
05. Are you German: nope, although if being a
German would mean I’d get Heidi klums look them I
WAN'T TO BE A GERMAN (Wishful thinking ...)
06. are you Irish: nah,hev an Irish temper though..
07. Are you French: I wish!
08. Are you Italian: hope I can cook like an Italian
09. Are your parents still married: yes and
no, don’t ask
10. Do you like someone right now: well , yes
Moshi Moshi
Invisible Man

She felt so lonely, so crazily lonely
Her need for conversations
But only when she’s lonely, for her man
She sees faces manly faces
Only when she goes places, in her dreams
Her man takes her for granted
Every lonely little day
She has her hot fevers
But only when she is lonely
That is why, when she cry
Those hot flames of love just die
Leaving her lonely, ever so lonely
No one knows how lonely, love can be
Yes shes' the victim of invisible Man
--Allan james saywell
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
South Park Me!

no decent sleep,gaining weight and having pimples from eating peanut butter,how more fugly can I get? one good thing though ; i'm having fun with the account that im working on right now,Hi ye' all friendly people from HBaC!Hi coachie Benj!(wave)I promise to come to work more often hahaha!he keeps glaring at me when discussing team attendance.
Can't blame the guy, he reviewed our score cards and we are all "pasaway" according to him.but I have promised I'll behave working at HBaC.PROMISE!
Lipat Bahay

Saturday, we went to Komikon II at UP Bahay ng Alumni to see Budjette and nose around. The place is swarming with Geeks, well what else do you expect? Was able to meet “SpiderDan”(a spidey wearing costume guy whom Jojo secretly butt-grabbed as he passed behind him and too bad for me for SpiderDan thought it was I who did it! hah!) Hahaha! Also seen are those weirdo’s, Lego clad guys who will pose for pictures with you if you ask them nicely and there’s also this guy who plays harmonica while rounding the place, weirdo! and even weirder is that a group of geeks is perplexedly staring at my Lucha Libre shirt , don’t know if they find it interesting or what. Carlo Vergara writer/illustrator of ZsaZsa Zaturna was there too.Booted four books ,Stainless Longganisa by Bob Ong and three books by David Hontiveros : Craving ,Parman and Takod.Too bad we were not able to get a copy of TRESE by Budjette Tan and Kadyo Baldisimo because it was sold out already.All in all It was an interesting/amusing event and I’m looking forward to Komikon III next year c",)